Thursday, July 1, 2010


Ok scale...your moving...but geeze, must you move so slow???

This am you showed me 200.0...and even though I got off and on several times, that was the number you kept showing wouldn't show my weight starting with a 1 no matter how hard I tried or how many times I begged and cried...

Tomorrow you better! I will work out today! I will drink my water. I will make wise food choices. and tomorrow you better show my weight starting with a 1!!

And those are some new pics of me that we took Sunday before church...


  1. You look great! I hear you on the scale, but as long as we keep making the right choices, it should all work out for us in the end!

  2. Here's hoping you see the number you want tomorrow.

  3. You look so good in those pics!!! slowly but surely!!

  4. 200? You got here - whooo - super stoked for you. Love that dress too - you look beautiful and thinner xxx

  5. You're very pretty. Hope that you get your 1something tomorrow.

  6. Love to spenfd a hot day in that pretty dress
